Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cruz de Hierro

Today has been the high point of my camino so far in various ways. Firstly because after half an hour we reached Cruz de Hierro, at 1500 m the highest altitude on the camino. I carried a stone up with me to put at the base of the cross to bring good health for all of us. But most importantly, because today the blister on the left foot hardly gave me any pain at all, and i could enjoy the walking. And what a walk it was, up over the mountains with snow capped peaks on either side, glorious sunshine, clean air, fabulous smells of spring scents from the flowers, cherry trees in blossom. One hour after the Cruz de Hierro, the mountains of Galicia came into sight, and once again my spirits soared. Following that it was quite a steep climb down to Ponferrada.

Once again thanks for the comments you are leaving. Funily enough, the hymn Mum quotes is one I hum to myself sometimes as I walk along, but so far it has been da di dum up until the last line "to be a Pilgrim". Now I will be able to put the right words all the way through!


Anonymous said...

hola valiente es extraordinario lo que estas logrando nieve agua barro etc etc ir restando lo debes ver ya casi logrado yo lo unico que deseo es verte ya en casa tambien pienso en tus pies .....bueno que todo vale la pena pasarlo......el camino es magico ....cuidat....tu suegra....madre juliana

Clare said...

Here's the whole hymn -- it's one of my favourite marching tunes, too. I think it applies to life as much as to walking -- I often call upon the image of those besetting me round with dismal stories being confounded.

Who would true valour see,
Let him come hither;
One here will constant be,
Come wind, come weather
There’s no discouragement
Shall make him once relent
His first avowed intent
To be a pilgrim.

Whoso beset him round
With dismal stories
Do but themselves confound;
His strength the more is.
No lion can him fright,
He’ll with a giant fight,
He will have a right
To be a pilgrim.

Hobgoblin nor foul fiend
Can daunt his spirit,
He knows he at the end
Shall life inherit.
Then fancies fly away,
He’ll fear not what men say,
He’ll labor night and day
To be a pilgrim.

Mel's Spot said...

Hola Matt
from your African Sister.

Your blog is so inspiring for me. You've become a real pilgrim now. Welcome.
Enjoy this next section of the journey now, as your spirit becomes more elated and the physical things become less important.
I return on Tues to Zambia to join the rest of my group and complete the last few thousand km's back to Cape Town on the bikes. I'm encouraged by your insights to re-meet my own journey with renewed enthusiasm. be filled with the spirit of God.
Walk well my friend.
You tread in the footsteps of many.
with much Love and Warmth

Anonymous said...

Keep going Matt. Myself and the children went to your mum and dad's for a roast dinner. Sam said grace, I hope uncle Matt is ok and he has recovered. Mike said, poor Matt he can't have a roast potato, but I expect there will be plenty when u visit next time !

Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints in the sand of time.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1807-1882 AMERICAN POET AND WRITER

Anonymous said...

Hola!!!!Soc la Laura un altre cop. Com va la ferida del peu? Ja veig que la cosa ha millorat des de lúltima vegada que vaig, segons la Juli, tambe ha estat molt dur,especialment aquella etapa que vas caminar amb pluja i calamarsa tot el rato, si no m´equivoco...Ah, he vist les fotos que has penjat, fas molt bona cara! Quina experiencia, ja m´agradaria...amb el Tonet penjant, jaja! Pr cert, que ja pesa un kilo mes!DONCS MIRA, TINC UNA NOVETAT...Se fer una sopa de ceba per llepar-se els dits! Ja vindras a provar-la, i et passo la recepta. Una abraçada i molts`anims, tot i que no et calen. Ah, una altra cosa. La Juli em va ajudar a banyar el Tonet, i li va fer despres un massatge a les mans que es va quedar fritillo fritillo. Amb ella es queda molt tranqil.let.
Fins a la propera!! Laura & Tonet

Anonymous said...

Hola!!!!Soc la Laura un altre cop. Com va la ferida del peu? Ja veig que la cosa ha millorat des de lúltima vegada que vaig, segons la Juli, tambe ha estat molt dur,especialment aquella etapa que vas caminar amb pluja i calamarsa tot el rato, si no m´equivoco...Ah, he vist les fotos que has penjat, fas molt bona cara! Quina experiencia, ja m´agradaria...amb el Tonet penjant, jaja! Pr cert, que ja pesa un kilo mes!DONCS MIRA, TINC UNA NOVETAT...Se fer una sopa de ceba per llepar-se els dits! Ja vindras a provar-la, i et passo la recepta. Una abraçada i molts`anims, tot i que no et calen. Ah, una altra cosa. La Juli em va ajudar a banyar el Tonet, i li va fer despres un massatge a les mans que es va quedar fritillo fritillo. Amb ella es queda molt tranqil.let.
Fins a la propera!! Laura & Tonet