Sunday, April 13, 2008

Santiago at Last

Finally my journey has come to an end. Santiago welcomed me and Juli at 12-00 this morning, as he has millions before us. This afternoon Pau (9 years) asked me "was it worth it?" A good question if ever there was one. Everyone has their own reason for making this journey: I ticked the box "religous and other" as i handed over my credential, and got given the compostella in recognition for my efforts of the past weeks. There is something powerful about following in the same footsteps as so many others who have walked the same path, particularly when you think of those who walked in the days before gore-tex boots and when the return journey was on foot rather than with Iberia. I think that this journey has helped me to value more all of those things which are normally taken for granted in our lives, those material and human comforts which you never really appreciate till they are gone. But most of all, I think it has helped me realize that however much you rely on your own strength, there are always times when you falter and you need to rely on the strength, advice and support of others to pull you through. A new journey starts tomorrow. Pau told me during the first days of my walking, "I hope you have the strength to get to where you want to go". Let´s hope so.


Anonymous said...


I'm sure all your blogg followers will be overjoyed that you have reached your destination in such fine spirits.

May this experience give you the strength to move forward and take the next step after so long with the same employer.
Such courage (and your eternal sense of humour and charm) are bound to find you a wonderful new job.
With love from us all

Clare said...

Congratulations. What a wonderful achievement.

Anonymous said...

Enhorabona! Well done!
Hope the feet and blisters aren't too sore...and even if they are sore just now, I'm sure that what you will remember of your journey will be all the positive things - the friendships made , the achievement of getting there!
We look forward to seeing you in the summer (or before if you fancy a trip to Edinburgh - perhaps not walking here, though!) and seeing some photos and hearing your stories.
Gareth, Cristina, Owen y Aina

Anonymous said...

Estimat Matt! benvingut i felicitats! Realment és admirable i més després d'alguns petits impediments físics que has tingut, però no que no t'han impedit portar a terme el teu objectiu... Tot i que a la vida, penso que no és tan important el resultat, assolir una fita determinada (que per x motius a vegades pot desaparèixer o simplement transformar-se en un altre fita...) sinó el camí que vas fent, el dia a dia, pas a pas, tot el que et vas trobant, el que vas coneixent, l'enrequiment que t'aporta cada dia la vida... Segur que el camí ha estat un reflexe de la vida en quelcom més petit i concret, però que ben bé es pot comparar amb el que és el nostre pas per aquest món...
Ara ja ets de nou a la realitat, a la Barna de sempre, a la teva "rutina", i amb tot el que et depara el dia a dia... Espero que t'acompanyi l'esperit del Camino, que segur que és quelcom especial, durant el teu dia a dia i t'ajudi a no defallir si en algun moment les coses es compliquen, a continuar sempre endavant però disfrutant del que ets ara, de cada pas, de cada persona que comparteix amb tu cada minut... el teu dia a dia...
Una abraçada,

Francesc Sistach said...

Ya han pasado meses, y nos conocemos de otro "camino", más cómodo pero no exento de una buena dosis de esfuerzo. Me ha encantado leer tu blog. Espero tener tiempo de emularte algún día. Un abrazo,
